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"We are small enough to care and big enough to get the job done" Contractors License #787646 UL-UUFX S8451 L.A. 001312 |
FIRE ALARMS At RTV Electronics we specialize in the design, installation, service and maintenance of Commercial Fire Alarm Systems. We are a UL listed Fire Alarm company and our people are NICET trained. Certain aspects of fire alarm systems are to be inspected and tested annually, semi-annually or quarterly. At RTV Electronics we keep record and setup automatic inspections, taking the burden off of our customers to remember when to perform these inspections. Don't let just anyone take care of your business. RTV Electronics can provide you with consistent monitoring and rapid response 24 hours a day. We use a Class A UL listed Central Station and can provide you with a quick response when assistance is needed. Here at RTV Electronics, we are dedicated to providing some of the best, most reliable and most advanced services available to help ensure the safety of your business. WE CAN ASSIST YOU WITH: